Un american cunoscut pentru machetele sale provocatoare expuse in timpul sarbatorii de Halloween a starnit controverse dupa ce, pentru acest an, a creat o sceneta in care un manechin ce il infatiseaza pe republicanul John McCain il fugareste pe democratul Barack Obama, scrie StarGazette. McCain este imbracat cu o mantie alba similara cu aceea purtata de membri ai organizatiei rasiste Ku Klux Klan si are in mana o bata de baseball.
Trimite felicitari de Halloween
John McCain is my idol. He is a politician with a very strong personality.
John McCain might have been a good US President but the people in the US does not need another Republican, that is why he lost in the election. Obama perfectly states the need of the people in his campaign slogan and that is “change we can”.